Irradiate Space.

Irradiate Space

Pseudonyms glittering in the night.

Ontploffing Boer

The light of fiction will illuminate the stars.

The latest updated:

Gundam Breaker 4: Abilities

A comprehensive list of part abilities and their relative power levels in Gundam Breaker 4, with some advice on optimizing your builds

Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota Discord Server AMA

A condensed and lightly-edited transcript of Ada Palmer’s discord Ask Me Anything session.

On Zeonism

What is Zeonism? How has it changed over the Universal Century? A review of the political movements of the Solar Sphere from U.C. 0050 onwards.

A Dwarf at the King's Wedding

You are a Dwarf, invited and sent to the wedding of the first King that Gondor has seen in a thousand years. It is understandable, perhaps, if you feel a little out of place.

Glowing Skull

It chitters in the dark.

The latest updated:

Romanovan Servicer

A slave of the Law

Utopian Vizor

A Utopian vizor, breather and coat, from Terra Ignota

Lightsail Library

A service of the SN 1604 NRDD.

Shiny Disk

Images welded to the side of a spacecraft

The latest updated:

[S] Binge

A meditation on the modern webcomic.

Yud and Kowsky

A pastiche of Tom and Jerry using Eliezer Yudkowsky

basile's site
Low Tech Webring directory link >>
Daniel P.
Lopez's site