Vakama Mask

Adapting the Kanohi Huna to work with a 3M 3600 facemask.


The items described in the caption are laid out on a black surface.
The finished product: A flame-headed staff, a mask that blends the Huna and Kakama, a small breastplate, and a garment that is something between a vest and a stole.

This costume comprises:

The hard parts of this project included:

If you’d like to try your hand at making one, you can download the staff files from Thingiverse. I haven’t posted the mask yet because I think it’s not in a shape where it’s fit for use by others.

This project would not have been possible without:

This project builds upon work done for my previous Utopian mask, specifically the outflow filter and the filter cover portions.

This project won “Judge’s Choice in Novice Class” and “Best Use of Modern Tech” in the Masquerade at Pemmi-Con NASFiC 2023