Adapting the Kanohi Huna to work with a 3M 3600 facemask.
The finished product: A flame-headed staff, a mask that blends the Huna and Kakama, a small breastplate, and a garment that is something between a vest and a stole.
This costume comprises:
A 3M 6200 respirator with 3d-printed filter covers, exhalation filter, and faceplate
A breastplate with built-in loudspeaker, made of foam
A garment which is somewhere between a stole and a vest, with a flame symbol painted on the back
Modeling the mask in a way that was recognizably Bionicle but was also compatible with a 3M 3200 mounting system — required a fusion of Turaga Vakama’s Noble Kanohi Huna and Toa Mata Pohatu’s Great Kanohi Kakama
Transportation of parts to events — solved with a heavily modular approach to construction, some duct tape, and a bottle of Gorilla Glue from a pharmacy in Winnipeg.
If you’d like to try your hand at making one, you can download the staff files from Thingiverse. I haven’t posted the mask yet because I think it’s not in a shape where it’s fit for use by others.
This project would not have been possible without: