The Spanish Crown Prince's Oath

Notes on the oath sworn by the Spanish Crown Prince in Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota



Masonic Emperor Cornel MASON says to the king of Spain, of their shared ba’child J.E.D.D. Mason, “I will not let you take the Crown Prince’s oath of loyalty to you and the Spanish people.” Mycroft describes someone who has taken the oath as a “sworn vassal to the King of Spain”, “yoked to the self-interest of one arbitrary nation-strat”, the oath itself as “a lifelong oath of loyalty to the Spanish people.”

The Crown Prince swears the same oath as the King of Spain:

I swear faithfully to discharge my functions, to sustain and see to it that the Constitution and the Laws are sustained, and to respect the rights of the citizens and of the autonomous communities. Wikipedia, Monarchy of Spain § The Crown, constitution, and royal prerogatives

In the time of post-national Hives, this oath seems bewilderingly limiting.